Sunday, September 1, 2013

Half Time Report

So here we are- day 32 and we are officially half way done our trip through Europe. 

Crazy, right? Time flies. 

So here's where we are with everything. Post on Vienna is coming but for now it's just about the whole trip. 

The stats 

Cities we've stayed in
1. London
2. Dublin
3. Paris 
4. Amsterdam
5. Copenhagen 
6. Berlin
7. Prague
8. Budapest
9. Vienna

Countries we have passed through

1. Iceland
2. England
3. Ireland
4. France 
5. Belgium
6. The Netherlands 
7. Denmark
8. Germany
9. Czech Republic 
10. Slovakia 
11. Hungary
12. Austria

Days we've used on our 15 day rail pass- 5

Walking tours we've done- 6

Nights out drinking- 6 ish

Trains we've taken- 13 international ones, at least 8 local in Berlin, 2 regional in Prague, a ton of metros in London, Paris, and Vienna 

Meals that weren't fast food, take-out, or something very close to take-out (aka our best meals)
- fish and chips in Dublin
- chef salad at the London hostel
- onion soup at an outdoor Paris cafe
- pizza cruise in Amsterdam 
- Kian's 2 home- cooked meals
- traditional Danish lunch of open-faced sandwiches
- Katja's home-cooked meal
- traditional Czech food twice
- traditional Hungarian food once 
- tacos in Budapest 
- spaghetti in Vienna hostel
- amazing feast at a Vienna heuringer

So that's not too bad. 

Hostel/hotel/guest beds I've slept in-11

Nights until I'm in my OWN bed again- 30

Friends we've made (worthy of Facebook friendship)- 4

Pictures I've taken- 673 (good thing I haven't posted all of them right???)

Pictures Jeremy has taken- 354

Museums visited- 4. Haha! That's way less than I thought. 

Cities remaining 
- Salzburg 
- Munich
- Zurich 
- Milan
- Florence
- Pisa 
- Siena 
- Venice
- Rome 
- Naples 

This isn't set in stone. Also, Cinque Terre has been (most likely) removed from the list. 

Days it has rained- 4

No comment. :)

Things we wish we had time to see
- Harry Potter studio outside of London 
- Irish countryside
- Versailles 
- Eiffel Tower at night 
- Anne Frank house
- some Berlin museums
- Prague castle
- Vienna City museum 

Best beer we've had- windmill brewery in Amsterdam 

Best wine- white wine on the bridge in Paris 

Pairs of shoes I've walked by and wanted- too many to count

Times we've had fruits/vegetables- too few to admit

Times our passports have been stamped- 3

Times we've paid to use a bathroom- 3

Number of rooms we've stayed in with AC- 1 (the hotel in Amsterdam)

People who have been rude to us- 10ish

Showers I have taken- 20ish

Showers Jeremy has taken- 15ish

Times we've done laundry- 3 

Days we've taken off to relax- 1

Our favorite cities so far
1. Paris (both)
2. Dublin (J)/Amsterdam (H)
3. Amsterdam (J)/Berlin (H)

Favorite sights (not ordered)
- Budapest liberty statue
- Berlin Wall 
Favorite church
- St. Stephan's church in Budapest 
Favorite creepy thing
- bone church outside of Prague 

This might be TMI, but...

Times we've shaved
Jeremy- 4
Hali- 2 (I know. I'm really roughin it.)

Things we miss most (not people)

Jeremy- driving, steak, tv shows
Hali- watching Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or a show before bed, my clothes and feeling pretty, showers without flip flops
Both of us- 3G, ENGLISH!!!

Days we've wanted to kill each other- all

Days we've been glad the other was there- all

General feelings

We are both pretty burnt out on walking tours and on walking around cities. We are pretty sick of maps and of palaces, churches, and statues. We are considering taking a few more days off like we did that one day in Prague. Or finding other ways to relax and enjoy a city without feeling SO touristy. 

We are both glad to be half way done also. When it was August and things weren't going our way, it always felt like geez... And we still have all of September. This month will fly by. 

We are reflecting now and feeling very lucky not only about what we've seen but just about how the trip has gone. No major snags yet. Sure one will come but so far we are feeling very fortunate. 

I guess that's it! It's September now, and in 30 days we will be packing up to come home. 

Thanks for following- Vienna should be up later today!


1 comment:

  1. I love your lists. Cool yet funny. I'm glad you're having fun. Stay safe. U Win
