Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30, 2013

Today is our last day here. 

I can start with what we did today. We slept in, I had the last of the cereal and Jeremy had breakfast downstairs. After that we hung around for a while, checked on our flight, and headed to the train station to meet Victoria, our friend from Florence, for lunch. At this point it started pouring rain. We found her around 1:30 and headed back to the Chinese place where we sat and talked for an hour or 2. Then we got some gelato and walked
 her back to the station. The rest of the day was spent packing and showering. We went next door for one last wonderful Italian meal. 
Wine, tuna pizza, and tiramisu. Does it get any better?

After that we met up with Joe and Amparo, plus the Irish girls who are our new roommates for a few drinks. 
The whole crew minus me. 
And me with my wine. 

We drank until about 2 am, and it's now 3 am. We are getting up at 5 am for our train to the airport. We aren't drunk or anything, but we will be tired tomorrow. It will be worth it. We had a great night among friends, who were excited to share our last night with us. 

So tomorrow morning we leave. I'm not really sure what to say right now. What do you say on the last day of an adventure? I haven't digested it yet. I keep telling Jeremy it isn't possible that we are leaving tomorrow. I can tell you this- tomorrow on the plane I will write a bunch: reflections, updated statistics, etc. but for right now I can tell you I am beyond excited to go home. Will I miss it? Certain things, sure. But this lifestyle? No. It's just not for me. Some people, including travelers we have met, love it. They await the next city, hostel, country, continent... I anxiously await my bed, my shower, the arms of those who love me. 

I am so glad we came but when I get up in 2 hours I will be sporting a huge smile. 

More from the plane. Until then, cheers. Our last night in Europe. We are coming home. 


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