Sunday, August 18, 2013


We got a huge surprise in the middle of the train ride when the conductor, who had been speaking Dutch and German for about 8 hours, suddenly switched to English and told us to get of the train. It was very confusing. Luckily the people behind us spoke English and told us we were in a ferry. 


Yep, the train had driven right onto a massive ferry without us even knowing. 

It was so nice to see and smell the ocean. 

Around 8 pm we arrived at our stop in Copenhagen and my mom's friend Kian picked us up. We stayed with his family for 2 nights in the suburbs south of the city, a 5 minute walk from the beach. It was AMAZING. 

The first night we were there he made us dinner. A home cooked meal! It was so good. We stayed up until 1 am talking with him and his wife and drinking winein their sunroom.  It was so nice and relaxing. 

The next day we slept in and took showers. We have been so spoiled. Kian's wife got us authentic Danish pastries (which they don't call danishes haha) for breakfast and they were so sweet and wonderful. I also tried the cheese- so much better than our cheese. So much more flavorful beause they dont kill all the bacteria. :)

Then Kian so graciously offered to show us around. So we drove downtown and he showed us all over the city. 

This is the little harbor area where all the ships dock and there are outdoor cafes all over. 
Kian, being the wonderful host he is, treated us to lunch at one of these cafes. We got a traditional Danish lunch of open-face sandwiches of different varieties so I got to taste all different ones- fish, egg, meat- and they were all delicious. And came with beer, of course. 

Then we kept exploring. 

This is the marble church right downtown. 

We couldn't tour the inside because Sunday services were going on, but we could admire the Italian marble outside. Jeremy is pretty sure this was the royal church. 

Denmark has a royal family, like most places we visit, and they have a whole line of palaces. 
It's always fun to see the guards. 

He then took us down to the water. It was kinda cool because there was an iron man taking place (swimming, biking, and marathon). 

We first thought this would create a huge crowd but the dreary weather kept people away. We got to see the crown prince running it! Pretty cool. 

The area by the water is gorgeous. All big walking and biking paths, with lots of little parks and big boats and stuff. 
Opera house across the water. 
Fountain of the goddess that, legend has it, founded this part of Denmark.  
The famous little mermaid statue. This was so cool to see because my mom has a little mini one from her travels. And I got to see the real thing!

We stopped at a little outside spot and got a drink (Kian's idea of course) and listened to some jazz. 
Hell yes :)

So that was about 3 hours of walking. We walked back through the main shopping street which was lovely. We stopped and watched a street performer for a minute who was making really awesome paintings with just spray paint. Those guys are good. 

And that was the city! On the way back we got to stop at the beach. I LOVED it. 
Me and Kian. He is wonderful. And fun and hilarious on top of that. 

That night he made us dinner. Now, I was vegetarian for 2 years and just started eating meat in the spring so I could eat it in Europe. I have been looking forward to being veg again when I get home, but Kian made me the best meat I have had maybe ever... (Except your meatloaf mom) he made us a pork roast, potatoes, and salad. Simple and so delicious. 

We called it an early night and got plenty of rest for the long train to Berlin on Monday. They, of course, made us breakfast and took us to the station. 

It was an oasis. It was a much-needed and much appreciated break from cities and hostels and being tired. It was a home and a family and good food and wine, and it was just perfect. 

Berlin post later. Gotta go enjoy it first. 


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